Free Game Server Hosting

Which games do you offer?
ALL free game servers comes preinstalled with league configs from ECO-League, CEVO, CPL

How do I get my free game server?
Looking for a pub server?
Looking for a scrim game server?
Every day at GameServers.com, we are putting up high performance servers for anyone to claim for 3 hours at a time. These servers are the EXACT same high performance competition servers that we are offering as regular game server rentals. Simply check the list below for free game servers that are available and click the CLAIM button. If you are the first to claim the available server, you will receive an email with all of the information that you need to get your free game server started instantly!

Game Server Listing

Restrictions for free game servers
In order to make sure all gamers get a chance to rent a free game server, we restrict all users to claiming only one server per 24 hours.
If you have any feedback regarding our free game hosting services, please contact us by using the contact us page.
Dedicated Minecraft Servers
Multiple Hosting Locations
See all our games